
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Do you want to live healthy? Priority is given to sleep at night!

Working late into the night can be unavoidable, especially for those who do not want to work from home. However, the habit of forgetting the importance of sleeping tonight is bad for your health.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, students and office workers or adults need about 7-9 hours of sleep per night. The working hours of your body vary from person to person, but you need to sleep at night to rest for the next day.

Infographics are sleep tips for good health

Lack of sleep at night is bad for your health

"Midnight sleep conflicts with standard working hours for people who can adversely affect their self-conditions, from daytime sleepiness to mental health problems," said Dr. Andrew Bagshaw of the University of Birmingham Center for Human Brain Health. I will do it. " If insomnia does not meet your sleep needs, your daily activities will be interrupted and your work productivity will decrease.

Studies show that people who often stay up late at night are 10% more likely to die than those who sleep regularly, according to a study by the journal Chronobiology International. Not only that, there are many studies linking the habit of staying up late with the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

Change night sleep pattern

It's difficult to change your sleep pattern at night, but it's not impossible. Researchers at the University of Birmingham and Sally in the United Kingdom have put together a variety of tips to help keep fans late for a healthy lifestyle.

  • Set nighttime sleep time

Even if you have difficulty sleeping, try to go to bed 2-3 hours earlier than normal bedtime. Familiarize your body with a more regular nighttime sleep pattern.

It's important to equalize bedtime and wake-up time every day, including weekends. Therefore, use a desk clock or alarm clock to get in the habit of getting up a couple of hours earlier than your normal wake-up time.

  • Limit exposure to light

Get in the habit of leaving the house and making a morning ritual to absorb as much sunlight as possible so that you can get up in the morning and feel good. Exposure to sunlight helps you wake up from sleep at night.

In the meantime, limit the lights at bedtime. One way to fall asleep quickly is to let it sleep in a dark room for 15 minutes and then fall asleep immediately.

  • Have a clear meal time

Be sure to have breakfast after waking up. Food intake is a sign that your body will start working automatically and help you get rid of drowsiness from your night's sleep. Lunch should also be set at a fixed time each day to prevent the stomach from becoming empty during daily activities.

Remember, drink plenty of water on a regular basis. If you are thirsty, drink water immediately. Apart from the absence of dehydration, you can feel more of the benefits of drinking water, such as physical health, prevention of constipation, and improved concentration in the brain.

You should maintain a healthy diet that recommends eating at least three times a day, but make sure you have dinner by 7 pm at night. Before going to bed at night, the body must be allowed to digest food so that it can rest completely during sleep.

Even if you have a lot of work to do and your daily life isn't over, prioritize getting enough sleep for a healthy life. Don't worry about current problems, future health is not a priority.

Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/87462/pola-tidur-malam-untuk-hidup-sehat

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