
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Increasingly, these are the benefits of Indonesian ironwood

Ironwood, also known as Brian or Ironwood, is a typical Kalimantan plant often used as a building material for homes, bridges, utility poles, shipping and more. Ironwood is a large tree up to 50 meters high and 120 cm in diameter.

Iron wood is extremely heavy and hard because it is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity and the effects of seawater. Therefore, this wood is also called iron because it is very strong and elastic.

Iron wood treewordpress.com | friends

Ironwood grows with a variety of characteristics that other forests do not necessarily have. Ironwood can grow to a sufficient diameter and height, has very hard properties and is not easily eaten by termites. It's no wonder many people hunt ironwoods. Also, the selling price is quite high. This typical Indonesian wood has many advantages. Take a look at the reviews!

Iron wood has high economic value

Urinwood materialwordpress.com

Wood, known as iron wood, is definitely worth it. Many people prefer iron wood as the main building material for construction. In Kalimantan, iron is used as the main building material when building traditional houses in the form of stilts.

Ironwood is not only the main material in architecture, but can also be used in handicrafts such as household furniture. Withered ironwood tree stumps can also be used as high-value sculptures.

Urinwood jewelrypinterest.com

Even fossils of iron that have been petrified in the forest can be used as materials for jewelry. Rumor has it that the texture and stroke of iron wood is more exotic than gems. The raw materials for iron wood are also easily available and are suitable for jewelry making work.

Ironwood with a million features is also beneficial from an ecological point of view

Urinwood Ecologywordpress.com

Ironwood not only contributes to economic benefits, but also to the surrounding ecosystem. Ironwood is the favorite place for orangutans to nest. Orangutans still eat the leaves of young iron woods. In addition, ironwood trees can retain the benefits of groundwater, retain water and soil itself, and prevent erosion and landslides.

Ironwood seeds and fruits are beneficial to your health

Besides from an economic and ecological point of view, Ironwood also has many health benefits. Ironwood seeds have medicinal properties. Ground seeds can be used as a medicine for swelling and can also be used to blacken hair, such as for polishing.

Urin wood grainblogspot.com

Apart from the seeds, the fruits of the ironwood tree can be used by first drying and then mixing with the benefits of coconut oil. This processed fruit product in the form of wood oil is widely marketed in traditional markets, especially Kalimantan, as an effective product for darkening hair and preventing gray hair growth.

That is the use of iron wood in terms of life. Today, iron woods are becoming more and more rare. Start protecting your natural resources so that Ironwood and other natural resources are not endangered!

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Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/65258/manfaat-kayu-ulin

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